Dear young people!
You are the ones who will decide the specific youth theme of 2023 in Cluj-Napoca. This theme will be the basis for developing projects and setting funding priorities at the local level but will also be a source of inspiration for all actors of the Cluj youth ecosystem.
You sent 16 initiatives as a reply for the call for proposals. Below you will find the final 4 proposals developed after merging all of the 16 initial proposals.
Who decides the theme of the Youth Year 2023?
The final theme will be decided by a public vote that will take place on The voting will run from 20 December 2022 to 15 January 2023. The condition to participate in the voting process is to have an active account on the platform. Anyone aged 14 or above can create an account on this platform. The voted theme will be announced between 16-20 January 2023. Any young person can vote for one of the four proposals.
What will such a thematic year mean in practice?
On the one hand, this thematic year serves as a way to draw the attention of decision-makers and other stakeholders to the theme proposed and decided by young people, including through dedicated funding priorities. On the other hand, the coordinators of this initiative will undertake their own measures to address this topic and will contribute to strengthening the activities of the Cluj youth ecosystem addressing the chosen theme in any form. At the same time, the chosen theme will also be addressed in the Com’ON Cluj-Napoca programme, 2023 edition.
Year of Well-being
Motivation: Young people’s well-being begins with a healthy lifestyle that includes both personal health and physical activity, as well as the quality of the environment in which we live.
Action: The Year of Well-being proposes actions focusing on movement, environmental protection and sustainable approaches in everything we do. Action for a healthy environment starts with awareness and continues with responsible individual behaviour and collective action taken towards sustainability.
Impact: As the most aware generation in terms of the influence of today’s actions on their future, a thematic year like this will help create the circumstances for reaching a high level of well-being in Cluj through widespread leadership of today’s young generation.
Final proposal based on initial proposals submitted by Isabela Stângu, Andreea Cristina Macovei, Mălina Pălăncianu, Barazsuly Viktória, Bianca-Elena Tanțău and Adriana Malanca.
Year of Emotional Health
Motivation: Emotional health is a challenge that is gaining increasing attention in society, especially among young people, in the post-pandemic context and due to the lack of comprehensive youth support services.
Action: This year, actions and measures can be taken to raise awareness of the needs of young people facing challenges such as anxiety, worry about the near and distant future, post-pandemic effects, and the need to return to a normal life in which society supports the young person in overcoming such challenges.
Impact: By addressing this issue raised by young people as a priority, we can create the conditions for community-wide collaboration to identify long-term solutions and transform the urban area into one that values caring for others as the essence of social growth.
Final proposal based on the initial proposals submitted by Isabela Stângu, Florin-Iulian Vințan and Barti Rebeka.
Year of Discovery
Motivation: The dynamics of societal development are continually accelerating and trends in the job market, digitalisation and employability are constantly changing.
Action: The thematic year proposes to address topics such as personal development, employability, the future of work, the role of digitalisation in our lives and ways to involve young people in society. It is the year of discovery, bringing with it our curiosity, the urge to adapt, and the prospect of a continually changing future.
Impact: By supporting one another in anticipating the future, we increase the likelihood of success for the younger generation, as well as the retention of young human capital, without which Cluj cannot flourish in the long run.
Final proposal based on initial proposals submitted by Isabela Stângu, Florin-Iulian Vințan, Claudia Rât, Cserei Mária, Marius Cristian Coroianu, Manuela Boca, Andreea Cristina Macovei, Sânziana Varodi and Máthé Richárd János.
Year of Meeting
Motivation: The past few years have had a devastating effect on societal interaction, and young people have had to adapt to unique conditions in which isolation and restricted gatherings have been the norm, precisely at the age when they are forming their social networks and figuring out their role in society.
Action: The thematic year proposes the regeneration of old settings, including the context of the encounter, as well as the development of new frameworks for interacting and creating new connections, regardless of whether the context is a built, virtual, or hybrid urban space, also rethinking how digital technology helps rather than limits quality interaction.
Impact: The meetings will allow us to form and develop micro-communities, build friendships and collaborative relationships, turning the city’s younger generation into its resilient future.
Final proposal based on initial proposals submitted by Alexandra Lavinia Bratosin, Mălina Pălăncianu, Claudia Raț, Sergiu-Antonio Ursa, Cserei Mária and Barazsuly Viktória.